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nomination procedures中文是什么意思

用"nomination procedures"造句"nomination procedures"怎么读"nomination procedures" in a sentence


  • 任命程序


  • Members who meet the entry requirements for this course are eligible to apply when the nomination procedure commences
  • The art of fengshui failed to be mentioned in the shortlist , which includes 35 cultural arts , that china has drawn up in preparation for next years world intangible cultural heritage nomination procedure
    “风水”因此名落中国为下一年申报世界无形文化遗产准备的榜单? ?这份榜单上计35项文化遗产。
  • The nomination procedure allows a wide range of people to be put forward for the prize . previous candidates included nazi leader adolf hitler and former yugoslav president slobodan milosevic
用"nomination procedures"造句  
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